Credit & wrote by LazerKim
By LazerKim: Kim Hyun Joong had been in the entertainment industry for six years, as he started an idol of the group SS501, in this span of five years, the group as expected have teenage fans, surely even younger than them. Now that Hyun Joong has been performing as solo artist for over a year now, he was able to gain his fans in all age bracket, but still there are teenage fans, which is not bad at all. You won’t believe this but I got five reader who are minors and they emailed me to inform that they are minors age range 12-14 and new fans of Hyun Joong. And you would be surprised, they do read my articles, two of them even subscribe through email. I’m sure there are many more out there to be teenage fans of Hyun Joong.
I’m restless that while we read good articles about Hyun Joong, and I couldn’t just close my eyes to reality, about what is actually happening around Hyun Joong because he’s in Korea. And so may I ask for your indulgence to please bear with me as I write about reality in Korean showbiz where Hyun Joong belong. I’m taking this advantage as well, since I now have teenage regular readers and college students. I’ll keep this article as positive as I can.
I have written about two articles pertaining fans and idol, and I wrote Role Model, citing Hyun Joong as a good example being a celebrity. When I did my research on article Stalkers, the video clips are just in the blogs. Lately, as I was browsing YouTube, there are a lot of video clips that wasn’t there during my research. This matter caught my attention.
There were video clips all scenes at the airport of Korea. There was one scene, a member of an idol group was there to depart, and there was a huge crowd of teenage fans were there to see him off. But the scenario turned into chaos and ugly, when the idol came in to the airport. As I view this scene, it seemed to me that the airport management are so lenient about security. The idol had I think four body guard, but it wasn’t enough to control the crowd. Fans came running everywhere that they do not care about other airport passengers.
And there’s another one at the same airport I think, with the same scenario, the airport lobby was crowded with teenage fans, this idol group were also on their way to depart and their fans were there to see them off. All of a sudden somebody shouted, it was one of the members of this idol group, he shouted twice, and he looked very furious, and seem to me the idol had a bad temper. He shouted because they can not get through to the immigration reception, since their passage had been block by the crowd of their fans. There were body guards with them but the scenario was such chaos to control the crowd.
This scenario should have been alright if the fans would just stay put in one place, but the problem is, the fans were tailing at the idols to see them up close, which resulted in an ugly scene. This again may be security lapses, this incident should have been anticipated and precautionary measures should have been implemented.
Another video clip showed an idol group manager, just slapped at a teenage fan and the group didn’t do anything about it. Another clip was the other way around, the manager was being slapped by a fan!!! Why is this happening in South Korea? And another suspicious thing is, I viewed this video clip the other night, but when I checked on it the following morning it was there anymore. Somebody commented that those videos are only shown in the late evening, well I would assume she’s right because it was past 2am when I viewed.
Oh yes by the way after that scene, as an idol shouted at his fans, it was followed by a video of Hyun Joong on January airport departing to Japan, showing that Hyun Joong had almost the same crowded fans at the same airport but he had at least eight security and six bodyguards I think, and Hyun Joong was able to smile at his fans and as usual many fans still managed to hand in their personal letters and gifts.
And yes if you compare the security given to Hyun Joong and well behaved fans, it had a big difference. Fans may be moving around simply because they want to hand in their letters, and Hyun Joong’s body guards were kind enough to collect them. And the fans let go of Hyun Joong, which I’m proud to say, they are indeed admirable.They just content themselves to taking pictures from where they were standing.
Majority of the fans of this idol group are plainly teenager, or there may be a few in their early twenties. This is just my opinion, I do understand how it is to be a fan and how it is to be a teenager, I’ve been there too same as your age. But I don’t think it’s necessary to go crazy with your idols if others who are not fans be affected. It’s alright to go to the airport to see your idol depart, but do behave yourselves. And so to other public places too if you happen to see your idols, then behave like young ladies. And please don’t follow them around, to wherever they go.
When Hyun Joong went to China recently and his Chinese fans prepared for his arrival as the put beautiful streamers for his arrival. But the preparation ended in a chaos that Hyun Joong was squeezed by a crowded fans. But Hyun Joong still managed to smile at his fans no matter what happened, and he let his body guards and security do their job. The scenario may be alarming because of the rampant stalkers around but I hope this will be the first and last incident to happen to Hyun Joong.
Celebrities are human too that needs their privacy same as we do. I’m writing this article for fan teenagers. When they’re up on stage in concerts or TV shows, you can cheer for them on top of your voices and they would love it. But we have certain boundaries as fans, and so follow the certain limits. I’m saying this because Hyun Joong has the plans of a world tour and so this time, it’s international fans concern. We’re just lucky because Hyun Joong has a majority of big sisters fans, and be guided by them. Don’t worry because they will also be there at the airport to meet Hyun Joong, they will also be cheering with you when he visit your country, but be guided by noonas (big sisters).
And then with this idol who shouted at the airport, I do not want to pass judgement since I barely know the guy, but I think it’s not proper to shout at his fans at a public places!! I do understand, he’s catching up with his flight, but let the bodyguards do their job so as people will not misunderstand him. I think this idol has a short temper, he was together with Hyun Joong guested in one talk show, well my first impression there’s bit of air of arrogance in him. Although you know Hyun Joong, he is a friend of everybody, and I would say he was friendly to this idol too, so he must be a good person too only maybe he has a not so good experience with fan stalkers.
But my point is, celebrities are public figure who are bound to be prim and proper, they are bound to keep a good reputation and keep a good behavior, specially in public places. Freedom for celebrities may be at stake, but this is reality in showbiz, this is the price paid for fame. This idol group may be so polluted by stalkers, but then not all your fans are stalkers, majority of them are decent. Well, except for a few teenagers who misbehave but then they’re young and I think idols should know how to deal with teenage fans who are legit. And for the stalkers, where are your parents to guide you? Don’t waste your time following idols, you have a better future to look up to than doing something inappropriate as stalking!!
And for that manager of another idol group who slapped the fan, that’s totally foul, and the idol group didn’t do anything but simply watched their manager as he swear on the fan!!. Here’s a good example. Hyun Joong was still with his group SS501, they were surrounded by teenage fan, one of the security accidentally pushed one of the fan and she fell off the ground, Hyun Joong help her to get to her feet. Did their fans hurt them? No, the group were all in smiles and the fans let them go. It was said SS501 experienced stalker fans but it didn’t take long since it was controlled.
Hyun Joong experienced a stalker as he was saying in his interview in Singapore, that a fan pretended to be a gas delivery. Although she was kind enough to cooked for Hyun Joong but this was way out of hand. This is a clear invading his privacy even if the intention was good. This should not be done. Just in case Hyun Joong would experience having stalkers, I do hope he’ll expose them at once, so that other stalkers can be controlled.
And so I think it’s high time to know your idols, I’m sure many out there has some idols other than Hyun Joong, it’s alright, that’s just but natural. But know them better, who are they in reality. Specially to the young ones, who takes their idol as their inspiration, and can somehow influence your life. That’s natural too, Hyun Joong was influenced by his favorite rock star. But my point is, are they deserving of the love and time you spend watching and them?
Idols and celebrities are someone whom we look up to, and I have said earlier, they are bound to keep their reputation clean because people do look up at them. If you can see any sign or air of arrogance, I would advise you to have a second thought about them. Arrogance can take these celebs nowhere but down there. And those celebrities who could hardly keep their feet on the ground tends to drop easily. Fans do feel if their idols are sincere or not, and so you should feel it too being a fan.
Hyun Joong’s fans grow everyday from, different ages, different walks of life, different nations and in the near future he will be able to attain the same numbers of fans like this idol group. The bigger his fans grow the bigger the risk, that’s a natural chain reaction. And so I’m writing this article for every fan specially fans from Korea to protect your fan community from being infiltrated by stalkers. We international fans can not just close our eyes with what is reality in Korea. Although I believe Hyun Joong’s fans are better behave and responsible in taking care of Hyun Joong’s teenage fans. We as their noona (big sister) have to guide these youngsters. Let us treat each other as one big family in Hyun Joong. Isn’t this wonderful??
May I just share, one day, a reader buzz me and ask for help since she wants to read my other articles and she was asking for hyper link. But then LazerKim is a commuter illiterate, and so I do not know how I’m gonna help her, I was so apologetic for the inconvenience since I do not want to mark anything on my blog site, so that readers like me can focus on the article you’re reading. And so I asked for help from my other regular readers. And in no time two of them came in to rescue, one of them spent two hours to do the link. I’m really so thankful to you for helping others just to be able to read my articles. Really I appreciate this very much. So can you not be proud of being Hyun Joong’s fans?
Do you know, you guys can inspire other new fans to stay with Hyun Joong, and that is also one reason why I try to encourage Hyun Joong fans to leave comments on my box, this is not for me but for the new fans since they read the comment box too, for them to get inspired through you. Remember the tale of the boat I was talking about in my other articles? I’ll write it again…..
Hyun Joong’s fans were stranded in an island, there was no food, no shelter and the place was completely deserted. The the only way to survive is to help each other find for food and shelter to stay. Do you have a choice? Hyun Joong arrived boarding a boat to collect his fans, and he will not roar unless everybody is on board. By the time Hyun Joong arrives that island his fans are already friendly to each other now they’re like family of Hyun Joong.
I’m done with daily dose again all coming from Kim Hyun Joong for his one big family! LazerKim here writing
Photo credits as tagged, thanks.