By LazerKim: All celebrities differ from one another in terms of physical looks, and their talents, on how we see them on stage. With singers particularly Kpop artists have different style in their music. Of course we can only see their difference once we get to have a closer look at each of them. Kim Hyun Joong is a singer, dancer, and actor. Other Kpop artist may have the same talent as he does, but what factors does Hyun Joong has over other artist? Again, I tried to compare Hyun Joong with other celebs, since that time there were news articles about Hyun Joong being compared with other artists. In my assessment, it was dead end, and so I tried to view other Kpop artists video clips, at least the most popular once.
I started viewing one of the hottest idol group, I was impressed by the concert stage set up, the entire show was good. Except in my opinion, that the opening down to the finale, it seemed the music concept doesn’t change except for the beat, either fast or slow. Other than this, it looks like everything is the same that you can not identify one music to the other. Maybe something was not right with the show sequence. But in fairness they are all good singers, except that, their music has the same concept. Maybe if this group can create variation in their music should have been excellent. But individual members are really good singers.

There were other idol groups too who are currently taking turns in performing a concert in Japan. And there were new ones with the same type of music too, obviously are teenagers too, and there are time I can see the group SS501 from them off stage because they are cute and playful too. Almost all the music of idol groups are almost all the same. I just specifically mentioned this hottest idol group earlier because they’re the senior and they are one of the best in terms of Kpop idol music.
Although I understand the age range of this certain idol group are teenagers. And probably this is the type of music is salable to teenagers, and so the group sticks to that type of music. Without realizing the type of music can easily fade in just a matter of few months. Well, in business whatever commodity is currently salable in the market will have that for months until such time it goes to the bargain section for sale. Again, I don’t think I want Hyun Joong’s music to end up just like that, I want his music stay within the limited edition.
I’m not really fond of idol groups, it’s just that Hyun Joong had always been categorized with them and artists with the same category with Hyun Joong maybe are less active or maybe I’m just not aware of their existence. The last time I’ve seen them was during MAMA and during the period of Hyun Joong was launching his first album. Are they gone with the wind? Is this the reason why Hyun Joong seemed to be in line with the idols where in fact he’s not?

May I just say this without being bias, during the time of SS501, this is one idol group that made difference in their music. They put in more variation, they did not stick to the one kind of music which is in the trend. And so their music can be easily identify because the music sound of each is quite different from the other. And so you won’t get tired of watching their concert or listening because the music concept has a variation. And SS501 music are suitable for all ages that can be appreciated by the not so young fans. Their music are still in my playlist which I still listen to everyday together with the music of Hyun Joong.
This group was able to maintain their good reputation in the public eye till the end, they remained ever loving to their fans even they perform their individual activities. My hats off to this group, in terms of music creation, performance and their attitude towards their fans, which I admire most. SS501 may not be there, but their music stays, will always be remembered and appreciated. I was never been a fan of SS501, since they’re no longer around when I started writing with Hyun Joong. But the group will always be a part of Hyun Joong’s life that will never be forgotten.
I remember in one showdown there were three performers including Hyun Joong, it’s like one solo performer, one duet, and a group of five I think. If you watch these three set of performers without being bias because they are all good in their own craft. But Hyun Joong’s music and his performance stands out even at MAMA, I think he’s the only performer who did a totally different music from others. And I’m sure other performers in that show knows it too.
Now going back to that showdown, the three sets of performers had one common ground in their music, there were rappers, even Hyun Joong’s breakdown has a part with rap. All three musics and performance were powerful but they differ from one another. Hyun Joong still stand out from the two groups even I would say they may be better singers in reality but having a good singing voice is not everything in performing on stage. It’s Hyun Joong’s totality, perfect showmanship and class that made him stand out among the rest. Stage appeal is very important to any artist. Hyun Joong would just step on that stage and do his best as if that’s his last performance, and you wouldn’t see that air of competing with others.

Many had criticized Hyun Joong for doing Lucky Guy without realizing what this music brought to the young generation. This music made the difference among the rest of the music teenagers listen to. If artists will not introduce new type of music to the teenagers then, how can they learn how to identify music, concept and arts? And many were criticizing Hyun Joong’s image here as manufactured. See? This is completely a sign of ignorance, because they have gone used to the usual and so they couldn’t appreciate the new ones. Once in a while we have to bend a little to the new ones that is unique and don’t stuck yourselves to the usual, otherwise you won’t grow, specially the young ones.
And this music came to a point that Korean Gov’t authorities saying it’s a malicious song, with all due respect, I couldn’t see anything wrong with Lucky Guy. I think the present generation are smart enough to understand what a casino is, what gambling is. I will not elaborate on this matter since that news died a natural death!!
Hyun Joong is always up to doing something new always, something different, I think that’s very obvious even in his fashion trend. He’s very creative and if you listen to all his music, everything differ from one another. Like one of the critic said, she likes Please which is an R & B (rhythm & blues) type of music, and that Hyun Joong should have concentrated on that music, and create more R&B. And so the idea is just the same as the other idol group I mentioned earlier, singing the same tone of music, which contradicts to Hyun Joong’s objective of bringing up variation in his music.

One day Hyun Joong just showed up in his dark short hair, black leather suit portraying a real man image doing Breakdown that had taken everyone in a shock!! Then the next day he appeared in a cute guy next door looks, doing Kiss Kiss which is a total contrast of his image in Breakdown. And another day came showing up in a blonde curly dandy looks which again the opposite of the other two different appearances he did. The guy will just always surprise you with a package full of different goodies that you’ll never get tired of.
Lately Hyun Joong got out of his cocoon in dark brown hair, I can’t help to think, ooppss he’s cooking something that’s very sure. We don’t hear any schedule from KeyEast which I think is much better. He’ll finally come out with another surprise. Let’s just get use to it, anyway we fans know him better. And for the new fans, this is Hyun Joong, you may not see him as often as you do from other celeb, but I bet you, you’ll fall for him again once you get to see him. Being mysterious is good, I would love the feeling of being surprised that you would say “Oh my God”!! rather have that kind of feelings rather than seeing him with the expression of “ah okay”!! meaning that expression is “had gone used to” or quite expected.
If you come up to a closer look at Hyun Joong and other artists, you would experience two different ideas on how you express yourself upon seeing them. Upon seeing other artists you would say “Oh that’s him!” Upon seeing Hyun Joong you would say “Is that him”?? Why? Because every time Hyun Joong is out there he’ll make sure he looks different. It’s like meeting a new man every time. The only thing that will betray him is when he talks!! Because that’s the only thing that doesn’t change, the way he talks and the contents of what he is saying which is always sincere. Oh yes, when he’s holding a microphone, even you do not understand what he’s saying, you’ll just hear his audience laughing!! And so you may conclude that’s Kim Hyun Joong!! No more doubts, that’s him!!

This is no joke, when he was at UN to receive his recognition appointment, I asked myself, is this an old video!!?? I stared at him for long time just to make sure it’s his current video clip!!! A fan screamed while she’s at a public transportation upon seeing him in his new dark colored hair!! See? Those are the typical reactions you’ll see from Hyun Joong’s fans every time he’s out there. Hyun Joong made the people there at UN meeting laugh again!! So I’m sure that’s Hyun Joong!!! But the feeling of seeing him again is great!!
Oh my God, you’ll only laugh about incidents like this from Hyun Joong’s fans!! For the new fans, start getting use to being surprised about Hyun Joong, it’s in his nature, the guy is restless that he wants to do a lot of things to himself, but anything he does he still looks handsome!! When he talks well,………..it’s either you’ll laugh or touched. He’s so adorable whenever he talks, specially whenever he says something out of context!! Who wouldn’t miss this guy!!
You got only two choices to choose from if you take a closer look and listen to him and to what he’s saying. Hyun Joong is such a fun, specially when he commits an innocent mistake or his 4D attack. When you try to reminisce those moments having him to listen to, you can just smile and brightens your day.
Hyun Joong has many talents as he sing dance on stage doing it to bring out the best in him consistently without competing with his co-artists, but merely just to share his music with everyone. He makes a lot of difference among all other artists as we dissect other idols to see what makes him different.
Kim Hyun Joong is a special unique individual, beyond comparable and in his own effort to improve himself resulted beyond anyone’s expectation, he was born to be a star. LazerKim here writing

Photo credits as tagged, thanks
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