By LazerKim: Again waking up evrey morning with Kim Hyun Joong keep flashing in my mind, just feels great!! Every morning as I wake up, the first thing I do is to turn on my computer, which I’m using a desk top located just beside my bed, let the computer heat up before I do my morning routine. After which I go back to it and first, check on updates about Hyun Joong, then check on emails with a cup coffee. This is how I do it everyday of my life since I started with Hyun Joong’s story. And I’m very sure many of you have the same daily routine.
We read the good news Hyun Joong will be releasing a new OST for the drama Marriage Tricks on April 3 on line. Well, guys we have something to listen to again and to keep in our heart. A fan from the twitter came in late since she’s a late sleeper I think and stays up late at night on line.She was saying she dreamed about Hyun Joong’s song played at every radio station, and as she woke up, this was the news, a new song from Hyun Joong, dream come true for her!!!
May I just share my thoughts with you which I have been keeping for myself for a long time now since I started researching and writing about Hyun Joong. When I started writing well, it was half way from my list of articles, I kept looking for other Hyun Joong fans. I was trying to reach out for them but I always failed. Just before I started I already had my twitter account together with his blog account. I followed anybody which I think are fans of Hyun Joong, and they are.

Normally, the only time I open my twitter is whenever I post my article and go off line again. I tried to interact before but I feel awkward and aloof as a starter, and some could be so cold, that I felt being driven away!!. And so I stopped interacting anyway my objective to be able to post at least one article for a day.
It was only last Saturday during the time Hyun Joong was on his way to China, that I finally found what I’m looking for. I came to realize I was following the wrong people at the twitter!!! Or maybe not wrong people since they are Hyun Joong’s fans, but people who are very busy or less accommodating. And so I eliminated some of whom I was following and add those whom I think I have been longing for, months ago. And I’m so happy to have them. I wouldn’t know the effort of those at the twitter posting updates if I have not found the right people whom I can easily interact with. Now I can feel the real essence of fandom that others call it that I can barely understand the term and so you do not read the term in any of my articles.
These are the people I need for better inspiration and a very good way of understanding them as a person in reality and as Hyun Joong’s certified die hard fans. In writing an article or any write ups, I was taught in school that credibility of the writer and credibility of what the writer writes is very vital, specially if what is written reaches worldwide. As I always do write about people who are connected to Hyun Joong, and so that includes you, being a fan of Hyun Joong. I write what other fans may think about Hyun Joong, I do write whatever comes out from the lips of Hyun Joong himself and I do write about what surrounds Hyun Joong in reality, and these are not hearsay. It’s been my objective to write credible articles in accordance to reality. If I recommend I have to be truthful to whom or what I can recommend to maintain the credibility of this blog site.

Just as I am writing this article, someone wrote at my comment box and she’s a new fan who wants to join the twitter world of Hyun Joong. She’s just like me a computer illiterate and she’s shy. Another fan followed right after, and so I informed everyone at the twitter about the new fans, endorsed them to other fans, and I’m happy as I came back the two new fans enjoyed the company of other fans. I fully understand how a new fan feels because I’ve been there. I would admit I myself had a not so good experience with twitter and whenever I thought about it I felt so small and teary eyes as I have now.
I posted my article Fan Network and a blogger picked it up and posted it and I was more thankful to her for doing so. Although that was the first and last. I felt so small as if I owe her that much for posting that article without realizing the essence of why it has to be posted. I didn’t give up on her, I was so appreciative of her effort to post my article. It’s not my lost, it’s Hyun Joong’s new fans lost, if only she would realize it. After that I still get cold treatment, and so I stopped and eliminated her from my list of following, two of them actually.
I promised myself that I will never let a new fan experience the same thing as I did. May I just say this with all my respect specially to bloggers. One single fan is important to Hyun Joong. The guy is so humble and so we fans, why should we be arrogant? I believe this blogger has a large scale of fans following her blog. I was wondering for so many times how important is it to have a large scale followers?? If you can’t take care of a single new fan who’s obviously at lost because she’s new?
I write articles about Hyun Joong for simple reason that I do not want the new fans to have the same experience as I had from the hands of wrong people. I tried to brush this off my shoulder and reverse my perception of Hyun Joong’s fans. Well in a basket of fruits there’s always one or two which are not in good quality and unfortunately these two are the ones with not so good quality, but they’re not bad either.

At this point I do not want to mislead the new fans, instead lead them to the deserving hands that she’ll feel the sense of belonging unlike what I felt in the recent past. And yes, I was indeed in search for a sense of belonging, and I just found that belonging only last Saturday, after six months of being an addict to Hyun Joong. And so may I advise those at the twitter as new comer, if you think whom you encounter with if they’re arrogant, snob, unaccommodating, then may I suggest to eliminate those. The twitter should be free and friendly atmosphere. I realize that now when I finally found the good quality ones and now I enjoy my twitter because everyone now is so friendly accommodating and sincerely caring for each other.
I’m not trying to put a war here, please don’t misunderstand. This is purely to enlighten. Sometimes people get so overwhelm with what they have gained and had totally forgotten how they started. This is just a wake up call not only to those whom I have encountered with but to everybody. This article does not imply on walking out, no definitely not. But to point out some a good lessons and learning from it. You may have a good scale of followers but somehow you’re bound to lose them if we can not take care of the new ones. I think this is just a matter of attitude. I would rather have a handful people as I have now who are deserving to be at the twitter as Hyun Joong’s fans to cite a good example to the new ones.
I do write about Hyun Joong’s fans because I’m very sure many out there are just like myself who’s seeking for a sense of belonging to be with Hyun Joong’s sheep, as he is the shepherd. I reversed everything and turn in to more positive apporch, because I know not everyone is the same. I just can’t forget how small I felt that time but had forgiven. Honestly, I can freely write about Hyun Joong because he was also underestimated one time in his career, plus his critics. I felt the same when I started posting my articles, that no one knew about my existence. And slowly now I can identify and recognize who are positively loyal and those who just pretend to be, so as just to gain attention. I’m not trying to be a judge here, but to enlighten other fans. There are new fans coming in and let’s be more considerate to them and spare them a little guidance so as they won’t lose their way.

As one of the fan said, it’s not easy to be a die hard fans but it feels great. I do ask myself too, is this how to be a fan?? I finally found the answer at the twitter from other fans too, whom I interact with. I’m sure these fans knows what I’m talking about, and I may have the idea that some of them share with what I feel, but endured, just the same thing I did, I endured. Being a fan is supporting a person of your own choice, this is very basic. Being a fan is unselfish because this is networking, the more fans supporting your own choice of celeb, the better. This is the main objective of being a fan, you would want many people to love Hyun Joong, you want him to be on top, you want him to be always a winner and this is chain reaction.
Until such time of getting to know Hyun Joong you start to develop love and care for him. This is very natural to any fan. If you love somebody, you would eventually learn to love those whom he loves. If one fan happened to experienced meeting Hyun Joong in person, you share it with others, but this should not be something to be arrogant about. Because I truly believe in due time we’ll all get to meet him. Many of you had gone out of your way in helping Hyun Joong which I appreciate. We do our share in caring for the guy, and what we have started building up is an unconditional love.
At first, everyone got attracted to Hyun Joong’s physique, then you started knowing more about him, until you can’t get enough of him. Once you have reached the degree of accepting and embracing Hyun Joong for what he is as a person in reality with his weak and strong points, then I would say you are building an unconditional love for him. Unconditional love is simple acceptance, that no matter who or what he is you’ll support him, and would continue to do so no matter what happens. Why? Well, despite of the criticisms thrown to him, you fight for him, despite of which you even love him more. It’s because you know him as a person in reality that others failed to do so.
Unconditional love includes those people who loves him too other than yourself. Hyun Joong’s love is so contagious that you just have to pass it on to whoever comes near him even she’s not a fan, because eventually she will through you. This is the only way we can help Hyun Joong, we’re miles away from him, he wants to reach out for his fans worldwide, then let us be that for him, let us reach out for others whom he can not reach out for. What do we got to lose? Nothing, on the contrary you gain friendship, if you only give a hand to others specially those fans who are seeking the sense of belonging.

Now, for the new fans who are interested to join in with Hyun Joong’s other fans, may I suggest that as you open an account at twitter, look for LazerKim, follow me and I will guide you to others who are following me, and I can assure you you’ll be in good hands. The people I follow are quite active in their updates, and these people are the sincere ones who will not leave you on air, until such time you can be on your own. You may be feeling at lost or missing Hyun Joong, the twitter can help you out, because everyone is there to share with you. Other than you get to know more about Hyun Joong’s updated activities first hand as fast. Because these people take turns in sharing with you updates. photos ect.
And by the time there will be no updates, that can be the time you can share with each other about Hyun Joong. Wouldn’t that be nice? At least you wouldn’t feel alone in your thoughts about him. I remember that fan student who didn’t make it for her exams, simply because she was affected by Hyun Joong’s problems that time, and she got no one to share with or comfort her. Oh well, for students you know your limitations though, studies comes first above anything in this world including Hyun Joong. He will just be an inspiration to your studies but do not over do it, save time for studies and after which then start thinking about Hyun Joong. And he’ll be happy with that, dividing your time.
I would suggest to give priorities on update news about Hyun Joong in using twitter. And if the updates are done and there’s silence, that’s the time you can read articles. Do not do everything at the same time. Reading my articles takes time because of its length. When you’re not busy and bored then touch on the articles, they are just there you won’t lose it. Updates are quite fast so give priority to it. I would rather appreciate you reading articles if you can focus, understand, and absorb. Otherwise you won’t be able to get the essence of it if you have a busy mind. Articles can wait, updates can not.
I think this the longest article I’ve written so far!! But I take this most important since we’re getting bigger I think!! To my dear bloggers, I got nothing against you, let’s just be open minded about others who are seeking for you as fan of Hyun Joong, this is just my point, nothing more nothing less. And for others I do hope we learn from the mistakes of others too, let’s just take it an innocent mistake or unaware about other’s feelings, that needs to be enlightened.
Well, I got no parting shots except…….Let’s spread the unconditional love for the sake of Kim Hyun Joong….. LazerKim here writing.

These cute pictures without tag are from TS’s ecommonie-omma, angela, Ms. Lina, thanks.
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