Thursday 15 March 2012

Kim Hyun Joong, "try to sniff sniff?" Press conference TOPVALU new CM



【14日=KEJ高橋未和/写真=村上豊】キム・ヒョンジュン(リーダー)が14日、東京で行われた“トップバリュ クーリッシュファクト2012発表会”に出席し、CMの撮影秘話やこの夏の過ごし方について語った。

14日、東京・セルリアンタワー東急ホテルで“トップバリュ クーリッシュファクト2012発表会”が行われ、CMキャラクターのキム・ヒョンジュンと中村アンが特別ゲストとして登場。商品特徴に関するトークショーをはじめ、CM撮影の裏話やこの夏の過ごし方について語った。


“トップバリュ クーリッシュファクト”の着心地について「撮影のときはまだ寒かったが、今日は暖かくて心地よい。夏には是非愛用したい」と商品の快適さをアピールした。新CMの「メンズインナー篇」ではキム・ヒョンジュンのサッカーのリフティングシーンに続いて、「くんくんしてみる?」と言う女性ファンなら思わず駆け寄ってしまいたくなるセリフで締めくくられている。今回の記者会見では「再現して欲しい!」というMCの要望に応え、彼はセリフを実際に再現してくれるサービス精神も見せた。

韓国版『花より男子~Boys Over Flowers~』でF4のメンバー「ユン・ジフ」役を演じた彼に、オリジナルの『花より男子』で同じ役どころの「花沢類」を演じた小栗旬の結婚についてもコメントが求められた。「小栗さんとは何度か一緒にご飯も食べた仲なので、とても嬉しく思っている。末永く幸せに暮らして欲しい」という祝福のコメントに続きなんと、彼へのお祝いにと彼の代表曲「僕は君の男だ」のアカペラも披露した。“トップバリュ クーリッシュファクト”新CM「メンズインナー篇」、「レディスインナー篇」は現在放映中で、「ビジネス篇」、「敷パッド篇」も順次放映予定だ。 

Translation by Googles 

(Leader) is 14 days, was held in Tokyo attended the "presentation TOPVALU fact Kurisshu 2012", and this summer behind scenes video of Kim Hyun Joong [Yutaka Murakami, CM = photo / sum p = KEJ 14] Takahashi talked about how to spend. 14 days, "presentation TOPVALU fact Kurisshu 2012" in Tokyo Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel is performed, and appeared as special guests Anne Kim Hyun Joong and Nakamura character of CM. Start a talk show about the nature of products, talked about how to spend this summer inside story of the shooting and CM. This product is a functional product ions are released, Inc., household goods such as clothing and bedding to strengthen the effectiveness and deodorant sweat-absorbent quick-dry, hot summer more comfortable. Jump in figure figure figure and commuters, to bed to play soccer Kim Hyun Joong is wearing this product is depicted in the new CM. Referred to as "arrived in Japan this morning," Kim Hyun Joong appeared wearing the same shirt as CM, in Japan "has come to often, today there is a sense of security, such as your own home though. But Japan said "and I was surprised to much warmer than South Korea. The appeal of comfort for the comfort of the product "TOPVALU Kurisshu fact" "When the shooting was cold, but still, today in the summer. Pleasant warm you want to favorite all means" and. Has been concluded with words to make me want to say female fans rushed involuntarily if followed by lifting of the football scene of Kim Hyun Joong, and "? Try to sniff sniff" The Hen "inner Men" of the new CM. In response to requests that the MC! "I want you to reproduce" in this press conference, he also showed us the spirit of service to reproduce the actual words. Oguri Shun marriage he played the role of members to "Yoon Ziff" of F4 in the "~ Boys Over Flowers ~" Hana Yori Dango Korean Version, played on the same Yakudotoro "Louis Hanazawa" in "Boys Over Flowers" in the original Comments were also sought. And "Mr. Oguri, so Naka also ate dinner together several times, that I am very happy. Want to live happily for many years to come," what, "My song of his to celebrate for him followed by the comments of blessing that also showed off a cappella of "your man. "Ladies Hen inner", "Hen Men's inner" CM "New TOPVALU Kurisshu fact" is currently airing in plans aired sequentially Hen "pad mat," "Hen" business.

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